Join Us and start making a difference today.
Sign up to volunteer your time or resources and make your community impact today!
Click the sign up button below to send an email, or fill out the volunteer inquiry form below and a team member will respond to your request shortly!
You can use your privilege in order to make a difference in your community through:
Raising Money!
To buy resources that are harder to acquire in order to fill our distributed care packages with things that people need the most! Monetary donations give us the most flexibility to directly accomplish the goals of our different projects.
Volunteering Your Time!
We are always looking for volunteers to donate their time by either volunteering in person to help distribute supplies & care packages; or by volunteering their time remotely by working on the behind the scenes of The Karishma Project!
Donating Resources!
We are always grateful to receive donations for our ongoing projects from the community. If you are interested in donating resources, our self expression project always needs donations of clothing & accessories; and a list of resources needed our care package project are located here.
Behind the Scenes Work Includes:
Writing articles/blog posts for the website
Working on web development for the website
External Partnerships with the city of Berkeley, external grant organizations
Design of marketing materials and graphics
Event Planning/General Planning of current and future projects
Our Community of Volunteers makes these projects possible!
There are so many ways that you can participate in The Karishma Project!
No matter what your resources/ability are, there is something for everyone to do for our different projects!
Find out more below about our goals of decentralizing resource distribution to disrupt power structures that perpetuate a toxic white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
Submit a Volunteer Inquiry
Interested in volunteering with The Karishma Project in our current/next venture?
Want to provide your time/resources in order to make an impactful difference in the community around you?
Looking to decentralize the current system of aid and use your privilege to help those who need it?
Submit a volunteer inquiry here, and a team member will reach out to you shortly!